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The tickets are on sale

It is worth buying your ticket in advance! Time of music ticket sales has started on 18.6. at 12.00 in Lippupiste online store. Less than 20 tickets are available for some of the concerts of Time of Music festival. Only 2 people at a time are admitted to the 20-minute performances of the Memorial of Rebellion installation.

Buy concert tickets: Concerts
Buy tickets for installation: Memorial of Rebellion

Time of Music is one of the first festivals in Central Finland that is held with live concerts after a long period of silence. To ensure corona safety, the number of tickets at concerts is limited, the minimum number of tickets sold is less than 20. That’s why this summer it is definitely worth buying a ticket in advance!

Ticket sales for the festival is open in Lippupiste’s online. Finnish artists, domestic premieres and Erik Bergman‘s production will be heard alongside the works of the festival’s guest composer Brigitta Muntendorf in the festival’s intimate chamber concerts. See the full festival program here

The festival strictly follows the current recommendations and instructions of the authorities on corona safety. Concert venues and ticket sales are arranged so that it is possible to keep a sufficient distance from others. The audience is also asked to take care of hand hygiene and wear a mask indoors. Arrivals at the concert are requested to be avoided if you have any symptoms of covid-19 disease, during quarantine or in case of possible exposure to corona infection. The price of the canceled ticket will be returned to the customer.

Currently, Viitasaari and Central Finland are at the basic level of the epidemic. The situation is constantly followed, e.g. on the websites of Finnish institute for health and welfare and the Central Finland Health Care District.

Ticket sales manager Mikaela Ranto, mikaela.ranto@musiikinaika.org, p. +358 44 599 3195
Festival assistant Sakari Kopo, sakari.kopo@musiikinaika.org
Executive director Kristiina Penttinen, kristiina.penttinen@musiikinaika.org, p. + 358 40 564 5501
Artistic director Johan Tallgren, johan.tallgren@musiikinaika.org, p. + 358 40 724 6345