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Month: February 2022

Contemporary accordion course, 5-11th July 2022, taught by Andreas Borregaard

Through an extensive career as soloist and chamber musician, Andreas Borregaard communicates the accordion’s fascinating qualities and palette of expressions to a wide audience. Collaborating with composers from all over Europe, he is actively influencing the development of this young instrument’s use and repertoire – and pushing the boundaries of the performer’s involvement on stage.… Read more »

Composed Theater Collaboratory, 5-11th July 2022, taught by Mark Applebaum

Composed Theatre Collaboratory – Course description The Time of Music 2022 Composed Theater Collaboratory invites participants to work as polyartists in a performative space of intersecting artistic disciplines, and to create a large-scale work together. Composers, improvisers, performers, and composer-performers — as well as artists working in any media (dancers and choreographers, actors, visual artists,… Read more »

Time of Music 40th anniversary

This year marks the 40th anniversary of the Time of Music festival and Summer Academy. In July 2022 we will celebrate from 5th to 11th July with a longer festival than normally and with an exceptionally rich festival program.  The summer academy 2022 to be held during the festival will include a total of four… Read more »

Summer Academy 2022 composition course taught by Mauro Lanza, 5-11th of July, 2022

Venice born and  educated  Mauro Lanza is an experimenter in the broadest sense of the term. He blends classical music lineups with avant-garde instrumentation that includes synthesizers, noise-makers and various toy instruments. For Lanza composition is continuous feedback between the reality of sound (and the reality of the objects that produce the sounds) and the… Read more »