The Summer Academy’s courses and the Time of Music discussion program will start on Tuesday, July 2. First concert will take place on Thursday, July 4. at 7 pm at Viitasaari Arena. In charge of the concert is International Ensemble Modern Academy with conductor Raimonda Skabeikaite.
Time of Music festival will lift up this summer the subject matter on participation and inclusion that takes place both in publicity and in different communities. Digitalization and social media have transformed the field of arts, too. As composers, musicians, artists and audiences we participate in these games of the contemporary world.
When you master the social game you will be noticed and your voice will be heard. Unfortunately you can also end up being excluded or you can drop out, while your colleague might be successful branding him or herself in the center of the gamefield.
We are asking, what is the impact of these contemporary Glass Bead Games on art and music? Who is in and who is out and why? What is the role of audiences in this game?
Games of participation is the theme of Time of Music festival 2024. The entire program will be published in April.

You still have time to apply for our courses in composition and collaborative work
The application period for the composition course taught by Jesper Nordin ends on February 29.
Read more and apply now!
The application period for Cathy Milliken’s course “Delight – fluid spaces of participation” continues until March 15th.
Read more and apply now!
Time of Music applies to continue in Creative Europe program
Time of Music has applied with its partner festivals for continued funding in the Creative Europe program. The applications for the grants were sent in January and we expect outcomes from European Union in the summer.
New aspect in the programs is strengthening interaction with audiences. Artists at risk will also get special attention in the projects.
Sounds Now (2025–2026) promotes equality and diversity in music life by highlighting topics from outside the mainstream in a way that recognizes current social phenomena.
Ulysses Network would continue from 2025 to 2027. Its mission is to support the activities of young composers, musicians and ensembles by offering performance opportunities and helping to find cooperation networks.
These themes would affect the festival program of coming years if a positive outcome from Creative Europe.
A contemporary music institute to Viitasaari?
The ambitious vision of the Viitasaari Summer Academy, the organizing organization of Time of Music, is to expand the position of contemporary art music in the field of art. How could we raise it from the margins of art? Could we make use of our festival’s 40-year cultural heritage? Could a permanent exhibition of contemporary art music be put together on the basis of the archives and recordings of Time of Music?
Read from our blog (only in Finnish) of Maria Kaisa Aula, the chairman of the board of Viitasaari Kesäakatemia ry, on our ambitions, and how we have already taken action with with the town of Viitasaari for moving forward on this subject.