Are you a music hobbyist or a professional musician? Do you play an instrument that allows you to play long notes very quietly? Study the attached sheet music, tuning and instructions for the piece and think about whether you would like to join our project!
We are looking for a variety of instruments from double bass to piccolo, and singers are also welcome. The essential thing is to be able to play (or sing) long notes at a very low volume according to that tuning. If you are not sure if your instrument fits, feel free to contact us and ask!
Each participant brings the necessary equipment, such as musical instruments, music stands etc. If you need electronic amplification (e.g. for an electric guitar), please bring your own amplifier.
In order to participate the performance, you must participate the rehearsals at the Viitasaari church on Wednesday, 5th of July from 2:00 to 4:00 pm and on the concert day, Saturday 8th of July from 5:00 to 6:30 pm. The concert will be held in the church on 8th of July at 7:00 pm.
The participant is responsible for his/her own expenses, such as travel and accommodation. You can find more information about travel and accommodation options here.
James Tenney’s In a Large Open Space is a meditative and slow piece that fills the space with sound. The audience gets to experience the space together with the performers. The whole creates a strong musical and spatial experience.
Now is the time to seize the unique opportunity to work with Quatuor Bozzini at Viitasaari! The project also includes students from the local music institute and students from the Time of Music courses.
Registration and more information
Sign up for the project no later than on June 26th by sending an email to Melik Turunen, Please subject your message to “Tenney”. When registering, please mention your instrument and briefly describe your musical background. You can also ask for more information from the same address.