Free admission to all events
Tuesday 4th July | 2.30 pm
Opening of the The always topical John Cage exhibition. Mauri Kuokkanen, photographer. Discussion will be in Finnish.
Tuesday 4th July | 3.30–6.00 pm
City Hall
Seminar: Influential Voices. The opening seminar of Time of Music opens perspectives on social influences of music and arts. The seminar is mostly held in Finnish.
YouTube stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ww5EzxvIdS0
Wednesday July 5th | 6.00 pm
School Centre
The composers of the 21st Century Voices commissions and Johan Tallgren talk about activism and engagement in music today and during Henze´s time (in English).
Thursday July 6th | right after the 5 pm concert
Joan La Barbara and Johan Tallgren talk about Joan La Barbara’s music, career and collaboration with John Cage (in English).
Friday July 7th | right after the 5 pm concert
Liza Lim and Johan Tallgren talk about Liza Lim´s music (in English).
Sunday July 9th | 4.00 pm
Where you present when John Cage visited Viitasaari? What does Cage’s music mean for you?
Join in on talking about Cage, both his visit and his music. Discussion in Finnish and English with Kristiina Penttinen, executive director of Time of Music. The event is a part of the exhibition “The always topical John Cage“.
Changes in programme possible. Follow our social media channels: