Front page > Voice Affairs I 

Voice Affairs I 

Saturday 9th July 4.30 pm 

Viitasaari Arena 

Tickets 25/18€

Neue Vocalsolisten Stuttgart 

Johanna Vargas, soprano

Susanne Leitz-Lorey, soprano 

Truike van der Poel, mezzosoprano

Daniel Gloger, countertenor 

Guillermo Anzorena, barytone 

Andreas Fischer, bass


Contemporary music by Beirut-based composers, performed by vocal group Neue Vocalsolisten.

Youmna Saba: I covered the planet with a dried leaf

Dániel Péter Biró: Asher Hotseti Etkhem

Cynthia Zaven: Madrigal d’Essilio

Raed Yassin: A Short Biography of a Snake


Part of the Sounds Now project, co-funded by Creative Europe programme of the European Union.