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Private strategies

Saturday 10.7. at 16:00 Theater
22/12 €

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The repertoire of the Kaaos Ensemble’s second concert in Time of Music sinks into different communal ways of working and activism both on stage and digitally. The Public Privacy series by Birgitta Muntendorf brought the concept of social composition to the contemporary music field and the YouTube era. However, at the time of composing, no one would have believed how the works anticipated the current reality of the Korona pandemic experienced by the music industry.

Kaaos ensemble
Martta Jämsä, flute
Anna-Sofia Anttonen, saxophone
Petri Kumela, guitar
Jerry Piipponen, percussions

Brigitta Muntendorf: Public privacy # 1
Erik Bergman: Mipejupa 1981
José María Sánchez-Verdú: Kyanos (ke) 2021
Erik Bergman: Solfatara 1977.
Lotta Wennäkoski · Balai (2009), 9’
I Balai
II Ballet
III Balai
Julius Eastman: Joy Boy (1972) 7–9’

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