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Matrix of Modernity

Friday 5th of July 7.00 PM

Church Tickets 25/18 €

The Finnish-Danish trio NEKO3 premieres the installation work Matrix of Modernity by the Finnish composer Walter Sallinen and dramaturg-writer Klaus Maunuksela, in which the audience moves among performers during the performance and has an influence on the varying form of the work. The work has been inspired by the algorithm game Game of Life, which was played on Commodore 64.

The concert is a part of the Ulysses Network project supported by the Creative Europe programme. It is also supported by the Finnish National Agency for Education, the Finnish-Danish Culture Foundation, Art Music Denmark and Statens Kunstfond. The speaker system used in this performance is implemented in collaboration with the Finnish National Opera and Ballet.

Fei Nie, keyboards
Kalle Hakosalo, percussions
Lorenzo Colombo, percussions

Marta Soggetti, percussions

Walter Sallinen, composition and sound design 

Klaus Maunuksela, text and dramaturgy 

Kaj Mäki-Ullakko, programming and sound design

Timo Kurkikangas & Anders Pohjola, sound engineering

Walter Sallinen & Klaus Maunuksela: Matrix of Modernity (premiere)