Sunday 9th of July 8.00 PM
Viitasaari Church
Tickets 29/22€

The closing concert of the Time of Music concentrates on the twilight atmosphere between night and day. The works deal with the sounds of nature as well as the goddesses of ancient Greece. In the end, the music raises its listeners from under the water into the sun.
Norrbotten NEO
Djuro Zivkovic: Night Music
Minna Leinonen: Harmaapäätikka
Kate Moore: Blackbird Song
Cecilia Damström: Celestial Beings
– intermission –
Karin Rehnqvist: Musik i natten
Tristan Murail: Feuilles à travers les cloches
Minna Leinonen: Sunken
Mikael Edlund: Trio Sol
Duration ca 1,5 hours.